‘Refocusing on the medium: the rise of East Asia video art’ entry foyer OCAT Shanghai showing live stream projection of Nam June Paik video sculpture ‘TV Buddha’ 1974-2002, in Korea.
A live video stream view of the entry foyer of the exhibition ‘Refocusing on the medium: the rise of East Asia video art’ in OCAT Shanghai. This live stream is also being displayed to audiences at the Nam June Paik Art Center in Korea as part of the extended exhibition partnership. We are able to share with you a fascinating view of the live projection from Korea being streamed into Shanghai.
Opening hours in Shanghai: 10:00-19:00 (from Tuesday to Thursday & Sunday ) 11:00-21:00 (Friday & Saturday) / Closed on Mondays.
When the exhibition is not open to the public you will see this message …
“This live stream is not available”
In partnership with the Nam June Paik Art Center in South Korea, a live stream broadcast of the iconic Nam June Paik video installation TV Buddha, 1974 (2002) is projected at the entry of the exhibition. The live stream broadcast of the video installation comes from their current exhibition Nam June Paik – Video Wave. The projection is a direct provocation to question the video medium within the context of the exhibition – the liveness of the medium, the distortion of time and space, the tension between illusion, reality and authentic experience, the conceptual strategies that subvert the medium, and the dynamics connecting local and global aspirations. This first encounter establishes the connection between Nam June Paik’s reflection on the medium and offers through the ‘live stillness’ of TV Buddha a proposition, an attitude toward the video medium that raises questions to model ways we might refocus and reconsider the video medium.
OCAT Shanghai opening hours (GMT+8):
10:00-18:00 from Tuesday to Sunday (Closed on Mondays)
Last entry 17:30