Time: 13:00-14:30, 7 March (Beijing Time)
14:00-15:30, 7 March (Seoul Time)
Guests: Seong Eun Kim, Kim Machan
Language: English lecture with Chinese simultaneous interpretation
How to Participate:
(Chinese) bilibili @OCAT上海馆
(English) Weibo @OCAT上海馆,
Youtube @OCAT Shanghai
In Refocusing on the Medium: The Rise of East Asia Video Art, the presentation of TV Buddha🔗 in the form of live broadcast is not simply symbolic, but significant enough in sensorial terms. TV Buddha in itself leads you to look into the capacity of television mediating the relationship between reality and representation; and the disparity between input time and output time which seem to be simultaneous but are in fact delicately discrepant in the permanent feedback loop of a Buddha statue and its real-time image on the monitor. And the loop is expanded into a larger closed circuit by the collaboration of Nam June Paik Art Center and OCAT. The physical work is located in the exhibition Nam June Paik TV Wave in Korea, while its live projection in Refocusing on the Medium in China. Nearly still, rather than moving, the projected image may lead you to think about what it means to be live and, all the more aptly amidst the current pandemic, what it means to be connected globally.Often called a pioneering video artist, Paik was keen on exploring a new medium whatever it is, in terms of its artistic and technological potentials as well as its mediating possibilities for global communication. Nam June Paik Art Center as a single-artist museum is dedicated to shed light on Paik as thinker and technologist. Seong Eun Kim will talk about TV Buddha and its contextualization in the wide spectrum of Paik’s ideas and investigations from ecology to cybernetics vis-à-vis art and technology through his works and texts.This online lecture will be accessible for both domestic and overseas audiences. Please select your choice of watching according to your time zone and language.

Seong Eun Kim
Seong Eun Kim is Director of Nam June Paik Art Center, and also an anthropologistwhose research interest lies in the agency of media art for the bodily experiences inmuseums and the modality of combining the curatorial and the commons. Sheworked at Nam June Paik Art Center (2011–14), and at Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art(2014–19).

Kim Machan
Kim Machan is founding director of MAAP (Media Art Asia Pacific) developing curatorial projects in Australia and the Asia regions through this organization since 1998. In 2014-15 LANDSEASKY: Revisiting Spatiality in Video Art toured major museums and galleries in Shanghai, Guangzhou in China; Seoul, South Korea, Brisbane and Sydney. Machan has curated solo exhibitions of major artists including Zhang Peili, Wang Gongxin, Shilpa Gupta, Yeondoo Jung, Patty Chang and David Kelley. She is currently writing a PhD exploring the rise of East Asian video art at the University of Queensland.