Great to see that you are interested!
Would you like to know more? Why not call or send us an email then we can make a time to talk about ways you can collaborate with our upcoming programs – supporting artists with audio visual equipment to develop and present new work; presenting international exhibitions and projects in Asia, Australia and locally in Brisbane.
Email: info[at]
Telephone: +61 (0)7 3108 8559
MAAP is a not-for-profit incorporated association
MAAP is accredited with Deductible Gift Recipient Status (DGR) for taxation purposes
All donations over $2 are tax deductible
ABN: 28 453 510 851

Light from Light solar powered geodesic dome, by Janet Burchill and Jennifer McCamley, 2010, installed at the National Art Museum of China, Beijing as part of the Light from Light exhibition installed and partnering with the State Library of Queensland, Shanghai Library, National Library of China, National Art Museum of China and Hangzhou Public Library 2010-2012.