OCAT – OCT Contemporary Art Terminal

OCAT – OCT Contemporary Art Terminal – is a division of the He Xiangning Art Museum.
Established in 2005 under the direction of the well-know art historian and critic Huang Zhuan, OCAT is China’s only non-profit contemporary art organization affiliated to a National Art Museum.
Actively Involved in the project are the Chicago based curator Wu Hung, Tate curator Marko Daniel, and the artists Sui Jianguo, Wang Guangy, Wang Jianwei, Zhu Jia.
OCAT Shanghai was set up as the Shanghai branch of OCAT Shenzhen two years ago, in the Suzhou Creek area.
With the opening of Yang Fudong’s solo exhibition “Quote Out of Context” in September 2012, it officially started its autonomous activity as a space for display and research of Chinese and International Multi-media Art.

OCAT – OCT Contemporary Art Terminal is an official partner organisation for MAAP’s 2014 international touring exhibition LANDSEASKY

For more information visit their website http://www.ocatshanghai.com/


OCAT – 华侨城当代艺术中心成立于2005年,原属何香凝美术馆,是一家非盈利的当代艺术机构。
目前积极参与 OCAT 建设的包括巫鸿、马科·丹尼尔、隋建国、王广义、张培力、汪建伟、黄专等。
OCAT 上海馆成立于 2012 年 9 月,位于上海苏河湾区块,是 OCAT 的分馆之一。
OCAT 上海馆以“断章取义-杨福东作品展”为开馆展,正式开启了对于中国和国际多媒体艺术的展示和研究。


OCT-Contemporary Art Terminal Shanghai - entry to LANDSEASKY:revisiting spatiality in video art

OCT-Contemporary Art Terminal Shanghai – entry to LANDSEASKY:revisiting spatiality in video art