‘Handmade Memories – On the Dividing Line between Body and Soul’ 2008
Dual Channel HD video on wall-mounted displays, 9:16
YENDOO JUNG (b. 1969, Korea) is well known for his constructed photographs and videos that interpret and represent the recollections of others. His still and moving images capture elaborate hand-made sets that reconstruct memories of subjects, events and scenery in real-time. For LANDSEASKY, a diptych video work forms part of the Handmade Memories series. In one screen. an elderly man recounts a personal story set around a train journey. In the other, a projection of pre-recorded video footage of a train track is set into a staged environment. We become aware of several spatial layers in the assembly of imagery and narration.
Jung’s exhibitions include: National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon (2007); MoMA, New York (2008); National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon; Santral Istanbul Museum, Istanbul Prague Biennale, Prague, International Festival for Arts and Media Yokohama (2009); Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara (2010)