
zero-gravity is a result of’s residency with MAAP and QUT Creative Industries in August 2004 and is presented as part of MAAP in Singpore at the Singapore Art Museum.

The opening reception of Gravity couples with a culture jam between Singapore and Brisbane. presents zero-gravity: a broadcasting station in the form of a party which features a live broadband link-up between Singapore and Brisbane, Australia.

Featuring the works of artists, djs, vjs, this is a night of mish-mash signals form an eclectic international mix.  A one-nigh-only interactive multimedia fiesta!

The setting of a party is conscious for the work as it situates itself in the art gallery/museum context.  Through this installation, is interested in transforming the setting in the art gallery/museum to create a dialogue between art, design, music, fashion and lifestyle.  Wired between Brisbane, Australia and Singapore, this is a party happening simultaneously in two spaces in the world.