Light from Light at State Library of Queensland
01/10/10 to 01/02/12
Archie Moore, Eugene Carchesio, Grant Stevens, David Haines, Janet Burchill, Josef Strau, Zhang Peili, Wang Peng, Pak Sheung Chuen, Lin Tianmiao, Wang Gongxin, Joyce Hinterding, Jennifer McCamley
Light from Light is an international touring exhibition of contemporary art from Australia and China designed specifically for library spaces. The exhibition features artworks themed around the idea and properties of light, as interpreted by Australian, Chinese and European artists. A collection of light-inspired and light-generating artworks are displayed throughout library collection spaces, reading rooms and public areas. Artworks include a large outdoor solar-powered sculpture, neon art objects, light-sculptures, sounds generated by the sun and illuminated texts. This is a MAAP Project.
Water Wars at La Boîte Theatre
05/08/11 to 21/08/11
Chris Baz, Kellie Jones, Amber-Jade Salas, Jess Veurman-Betts & Kate Wilson
A new piece of contemporary Australian performance by Elaine Acworth, set just in the future, Water Wars is a timely and darkly funny exploration of what happens between neighbours as the drought gets longer and toucher and then gets renamed as a ‘dry’. Directed by Shaun Charles

Pulverised Signs at LEVEL ARI
29/07/11 to 19/08/11
Erika Scott
For this solo exhibition by LEVEL’s artist-in-residence, Erika Scott used monitors from MAAP Media Bank as part of her installation
Today I… at LEVEL ARI
03/06/11 to 24/06/11
Jessica Keough
Media Bank supported emerging curator Hillary Perret to present this exhibition.
New Primitive at MAAP SPACE
01/06/11 to 01/06/11
Henry Mills, Alrey Batol, Ben Kolaitis, Wukir Suryadi& Rully Shabar, XinO (Kat Martian)
Henry Mills’ sound installation was supported through equipment loans from MAAP and formed part of the New Primitive Festival curated by SPEC and supported by Next Wave Festival

Lemurs, roswell, wheat, pyramids, mosquitoes, yellow skin, humans that lay eggs, bestiality, nazi aryanism at Boxcopy
02/04/11 to 30/04/11
Wilkins Hill (Wendy Wilkins & Wes Hill)
This is a nine-part videowork that was created by Wilkins Hill over a six month period whilst living between Berlin and Paris. Based on the theme of language translation, the artists utilised automated translation websites, voice recognition and text-to-speech software to generate an abstract narration concerning the American psychic medium J.Z. Knight. With original sound and video that was recorded in Germany, Italy, Switzerland and France, the work is offered by the artists as “a pessimistic metaphor for communication.”

Let the Healing Begin at Institute of Modern Art
05/03/11 to 30/04/11
Grayson Perry, Stuart Ringholt, Polly Borland, Julian Dashper, Ronnie van Hout, Mike Kelley, Robin Hungerford, Dani Marti, Mike Parr, Matt Mullican, Otto Muehl, Pierre Molinier, Rose Nolan, Tony Oursler, Grant Stevens, Marina Abramovic and Ulay, Peter Tyndall, Gillian Wearing
The idea that art makes us better people, that it heals our souls, is an anathema. In the art world, ‘art therapy’ is the butt of endless jokes. Nevertheless, contemporary art is riddled with therapeutic subtexts and strategies. Let the Healing Begin features works that address therapy. Some of the works endorse therapeutic imperatives, some satirise them, others are undecided. The line-up is a mix of local and international artists. The show was prompted by the work of Melbourne artist Stuart Ringholt, who is known for his autobiographical book Hashish Psychosis: What It’s Like to Be Mentally Ill and Recover.
MAAP Media Bank supported Brisbane’s IMA to present Tony Ourseler’s renowned video art.

Each Action Equal at LEVEL ARI
11/03/11 to 01/04/11
Brown Council (Frances Barrett, Kate Blackmore, Kelly Doley, Diana Smith), Catherine Connolly, Kel Glaister, Laresa Kosloff
Sydney artist collective Brown Council used projectors and monitors from the MAAP Media Bank for their installation at LEVEL ARI. This exhibition was curated by Catherine Connolly

MDR – All Comedy is Someone in Trouble at Boxcopy
26/02/11 to 19/03/11
Kel Glaister
A joke involves me, you and someone else. One of us is going to get hurt.
This exhibition involves two video works by Melbourne artist Kel Glaister—each a playing out of familiar gags. With the title derived from something Jerry Lewis once said, this exhibition revolves around the route of laughter. We laugh at something, or someone. Not just in the direction of, but at the expense of. There’s a tinge of guilt sometimes, but that makes the laughter stronger. These videos bounce off the format of the joke to implicate the viewer, catching them in antisocial giggles and a cruelty that was just below the surface before.

In 2011 MAAP Media Bank sponsored 39 projects